Running to Win MY race
Saturday, July 9, 2011
My hope is that my experiences and views may encourage someone else, which brings me to something I have heard at every turn lately.
In a sermon the other day, we were asked, "do you influence others positively?". On my long run this morning, I listened to a podcast by Beth Moore on how we use our time, gifts, and talents. It certainly made me think, "Am I effectively using my gifts, talents, and time to impact others?" I came to the conclusion that I could me more effective if I were more focused. Will be working on that too!
The fact is that, we really arent on the earth for very long. You've heard it before" make each day count". But my question is this: What is your impact? Imagine if you were to really sharpen your gifts and talents, and use them to positively impact the lives of others. That is exactly what God has called us to do!
How will you impact others?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
In the name of Progress
To be honest with you, all this change is uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable physically for obvious reasons, but also mentally. I battle thoughts, like "am I really ready for this?", or "I don't think I can do this today." On my first speed work day with my running group, none of us expected it to be so hard, and I think we all were a little unsettled with the change in routine.
I'm sure you've heard the saying that goes something like, "if you do what what you've always done, you're gonna get what you've always gotten". In terms of your physical body, you won't continue to grow and get stronger by doing what has become easy and comfortable for your body.
This is true in our everyday lives as well. We must raise the bar every now and then- spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. We won't grow by holding onto the same old behaviors and attitudes- gossiping, bad attitudes, negativity, worry, fear, or whatever it is holding us back.
Both physically and mentally, changing it up is not easy, but it will be worth it. Every challenge will make you stronger! And, after you've done the hard, uphill part, take a moment and rest at the top. This bible tells us to "be still [rest] and know that I am God." Everything that I have read tells me that it is in the rest period that you gain the most physical strength. And, I know from experience that the same is true of our spiritual lives. So, in the name of progress, raise the bar, switch it up, and then REST.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I am off to enjoy my day of rest!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Fear not!
I deeply fear heights. I decided once, while in Mexico, that I would face that ridiculous fear and go parasailing. (Mostly because everyone in my party was doing it, and I didn't want to look like a big sissy!) So, the sketchy Mexican man who "no speaka no english", but knew exactly how to count my 50 American bucks in english, hooked me up to the harness. As I was lifted off of the sand and began to rise over the ocean, I started to panic. My throat got dry, and I couldn't scream. Trust me, I tried. I held on to those ropes so tight that my hands were blistered and my entire upper body felt like the first (and LAST) time I tried to conquer P90X. And, if you've been parasailing, you know that holding onto the harness ropes does absolutely no good. Holding on for dear life won't keep you from plummeting to your death and being eaten by sharks. But, I don't have to explain that it wasn't exactly a logical moment for me.
Did the whole experience help me to conquer my fear? Uh, nope. Now, I just break out in hives when I remember the whole thing.
I have other fears too. I fear something happening to me, and my children growing up without a mom. This is almost definitely because this was my childhood experience. It left such a painful scar, that I can't even count the number of times I have prayed for this to never ever happen to my children.
I also fear losing mobility...having my muscles deteriorate, and being unable to control my body. This fear is founded in my doctor's reports of what could be in my future. This has kept me from doing certain things like, exploring the possibility of botox to ward off the deep crevices creeping up around my eyes, and becoming a totally hot and way too muscular body builder...or just light weight training...
BUT, I am now on a mission to eradicate fear in my life, specifically regarding my physical condition. I can't find one scripture that says, "live in fear, and let it keepest thou from accomplishing things in life." In fact, the Bible's message is contrary to that.
SO, I am trying new things. New workouts have stretched and strengthened muscles that were once weak and stiff due to Muscular Dystrophy. I don't plan to completely throw caution to the wind, but I do plan to start a serious weight training program and get totally ripped...or, just a bit more toned... I know that what happens within my body and my life is not completely within my control, but I know that the way in which I choose to live IS. And, no matter what happens in my life that is outside of my control, I know that the bible says in Proverbs that my steps are established by God.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Mom Runs
"Laundry, grocery store...don't forget cupcake mix…make the cupcakes…and an appointment with the doctor..." This is the list that typically goes through my mind during the first mile of my morning runs. I go through my to-do list, decide the order in which I will get everything done, and formulate a plan. Then, my mind can be cleared for thinking...about absolutely nothing except for my breathing, the song on my ipod, or the beautiful spring morning before me.
It's no wonder running is growing so popular amongst my mommy friends. It gives us time and space to just be, without being needed or beckoned to play another round of Candyland (although I do love the way it makes my kids so happy for me to sit down on the floor and let it all hang out with them.) But, running time is different. It allows time to focus on nothing, so that we can later focus on everything. It burns off nervous or tense energy, so that we can be more present in the tasks of the day.
Those morning runs are so renewing, and last just long enough to be reminded of every precious and wonderful thing that awaits us when we walk in the door at home and hear, "Mom, come wipe me!" There's no place like home.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
My fake ID
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My brother and me before our first half marathon ever! January, 2010
October, 2010- Oyster Urban Race, Austin, TX