I have taken most of the month of January off from blogging to focus on my training to complete my third half marathon. It has required lots of early morning (very chilly) runs, working around hunting season schedule conflicts to get in long runs on the weekends, and a more consistent bedtime, (which meant no more late night blogging). But, it was well worth it because now, I can call myself a three time half marathon finisher.

And, I now have the right to wear this shirt. It's my new favorite.
Did I run like a Kenyan and bring home a winner's medal? Nope. In fact, I didn't even catch a glimpse of the Kenyans on the race course because they were so far ahead, even though they ran TWICE the distance that I did. But, I finished...in the rain, and 96% humidity, and without collapsing...and set a personal record for myself by NINE minutes. That, my friend, is not an easy feat.
Exactly one year ago, I completed my first half marathon, which was a huge and lofty goal for an unfit, overweight, non-athletic girl with Muscular Dystrophy. But, (in my best Martin Luther King, JR. voice)...I had a dream! I dreamed that this whole running thing would become a lifestyle for me, a way that I could see some miraculous progress in my body. If you had seen me a year ago, it would be glaringly obvious that without some help from God almighty, that would be near impossible...OK, who am I kidding?...completely and utterly impossible.
Recently, my pastor has preached a series on adding value to your life, and I distinctly remember him saying a few weeks ago that most of us have to see to believe, but that we should instead, have the faith to believe to see the miraculous and impossible in our lives. He told a story about a Navy leader in the Korean war, whose fleet was surrounded by the enemy. When this leader received the report that the enemy was in front, to the east, to the west, and behind his fleet, his response was something like, "good, now they can't get away." He was a glass half full kind of guy apparently. His fleet actually won the battle against all odds, as they were outnumbered and surrounded on all sides.
Friends, I have fought a tough mental battle. Many times, I have felt surrounded on all sides. I have had to come to a place (more than once, I'll admit) of having to say, "Alright, now, God. I am in your hands. Can a girl get some help up in here?" And, God in all his wisdom and faithfulness responded (more than once), by exceeding my hopes. And despite all the odds, I have always pictured myself (even during that first hellish 5K) finishing a long grueling race, feeling great, with a smile on my face. Something inside of me has said along the way,"Dare to believe it, and you WILL see it"
Some runs haven't gone so well, and others have gone wonderfully. But, I have most definitely progressed in my fitness level and physical strength. I think back to that first 5k, where I barely beat out an elderly lady for LAST place and wanted to throw up from sheer physical exertion. But, a few days ago, I ran the Houston Half marathon (13.1 MILES, Holla!) and did not feel the urge to puke or crawl to the medic tent, begging for resuscitation. Nope, not this girl. I am told that Channel 13 news has a shot of me running the race, drenched from rain and sweat, face beet red, waving for the cameras, with a big smile. Just exactly how I dreamed....
Did I run like a Kenyan and bring home a winner's medal? Nope. In fact, I didn't even catch a glimpse of the Kenyans on the race course because they were so far ahead, even though they ran TWICE the distance that I did. But, I finished...in the rain, and 96% humidity, and without collapsing...and set a personal record for myself by NINE minutes. That, my friend, is not an easy feat.
Exactly one year ago, I completed my first half marathon, which was a huge and lofty goal for an unfit, overweight, non-athletic girl with Muscular Dystrophy. But, (in my best Martin Luther King, JR. voice)...I had a dream! I dreamed that this whole running thing would become a lifestyle for me, a way that I could see some miraculous progress in my body. If you had seen me a year ago, it would be glaringly obvious that without some help from God almighty, that would be near impossible...OK, who am I kidding?...completely and utterly impossible.
Recently, my pastor has preached a series on adding value to your life, and I distinctly remember him saying a few weeks ago that most of us have to see to believe, but that we should instead, have the faith to believe to see the miraculous and impossible in our lives. He told a story about a Navy leader in the Korean war, whose fleet was surrounded by the enemy. When this leader received the report that the enemy was in front, to the east, to the west, and behind his fleet, his response was something like, "good, now they can't get away." He was a glass half full kind of guy apparently. His fleet actually won the battle against all odds, as they were outnumbered and surrounded on all sides.
Friends, I have fought a tough mental battle. Many times, I have felt surrounded on all sides. I have had to come to a place (more than once, I'll admit) of having to say, "Alright, now, God. I am in your hands. Can a girl get some help up in here?" And, God in all his wisdom and faithfulness responded (more than once), by exceeding my hopes. And despite all the odds, I have always pictured myself (even during that first hellish 5K) finishing a long grueling race, feeling great, with a smile on my face. Something inside of me has said along the way,"Dare to believe it, and you WILL see it"
Some runs haven't gone so well, and others have gone wonderfully. But, I have most definitely progressed in my fitness level and physical strength. I think back to that first 5k, where I barely beat out an elderly lady for LAST place and wanted to throw up from sheer physical exertion. But, a few days ago, I ran the Houston Half marathon (13.1 MILES, Holla!) and did not feel the urge to puke or crawl to the medic tent, begging for resuscitation. Nope, not this girl. I am told that Channel 13 news has a shot of me running the race, drenched from rain and sweat, face beet red, waving for the cameras, with a big smile. Just exactly how I dreamed....
Love it! Yeah you Michelle...You are one of the members in the party that goes on in my head as I am endeavoring to run the C25K..."Michelle can do it...I can do it." that's your part. Thank you so much for believing and seeing. I saw a church poster the other day and it said this," Faith is a journey, not a destination." I just love it! Keep on sweetie...