This weekend, I took the kids on their first "big kid" bike ride in our neighborhood. They have both finally mastered riding their "big girl training wheel bikes", so I thought we'd give it a shot. They hopped on their princess bikes, I hopped on my mountain bike, and we were off, pink sparkly streamers waving in the breeze.

My brother and me before our first half marathon ever! January, 2010
Team "Feets for Teets", Susan G. Komen Race, 2010
To my utter surprise, they did great! I made sure to go very slowly, and both girls peddled their little legs until they couldn't peddle anymore. I kept telling them how great they were doing and how proud I was of their hard work getting up the hills, and how fun it would be to coast down the hill. With each encouraging comment from me, their faces lit up, and I would watch their eyes as they focused intently on the task at hand- getting to the top of those hills.
By the end of the one mile ride, they were pleasantly tired and proud of themselves for making it all the way. On the way inside, they both shouted, "let's do that again after we rest!" It was apparent they were reveling in the sense of accomplishment they felt. They had stepped up to this new challenge and it felt great! "Daddy, we just did a long bike ride, and we didn't even have to stop!", they yelled as we opened the front door. I promised another ride after dinner if they were up to it.
Later that evening, as I cleaned up the dinner dishes, I was reminded of my promise (though I was a little tired and sort of secretly hoped they had forgotten). We climbed on our bikes again, and ventured out on another ride, this time stopping to play at the neighborhood park on the way home.
Something great happened on this ride, though. As we went up the first hill, Kaley looked over at her little sister peddling with all her might, and said, "Good job, Addie, you got this!" Addie replied, "you too, sissy. You're almost to the top!" It was so facsinating to see them shouting words of encouragement at each hill! I beamed with pride to see them helping each other along. It was priceless!
I've had this same experience myself. There have been several times that I have been near the end of a race and completely exhausted, when I spotted my brother or a friend doubling back to meet me and run it in with me. As they step in beside me, I match my footsteps to theirs, and we sprint to the finish line. I know that without them, I would not be able to muster the energy to do so. I am so thankful for my precious running and fitness friends, who keep me going! Just like my little girls, we encourage each other when it all seems uphill, and celebrate one another's accomplishments. I couldn't do it without them.
I encourage you to find a fitness friend of your own. The bible says that, "as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17) Find someone to keep you accountable and sharpen you this week. Then, be prepared to do some sharpening too. Fitness friends are priceless!

My brother and me before our first half marathon ever! January, 2010
October, 2010- Oyster Urban Race, Austin, TX

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